By accepting Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, you become a child of God and, therefore, begins your new life. In other words, you start your classes to the School of Life. You become the youngest student, and the Holy Spirit, your teacher, will teach the truths of life, to know God and more all that is good, pleasing and edifying.
The wonderful School of Life is the moment we have to, first, be transformed, and then we can transform. The wonderful School of Life teaches us to be holy as God is, and live as our Teacher knows. The School of Life makes us grow, make us real men, prepares us for everything you spend here, and everything you need to know this earth.
It seems too good to enter this school, and really is, but take it easy, because it is not easy. One of the main issues it is called: ADVERSITY. The adversity is one of the more difficult the School of Life, but is the matter what leads to higher levels of life. Spending for that matter is never easy, because easy way does not teach anybody anything. Learn to live with perseverance, patience and learning to listen and trust in God above all things. Say it is easy, living so it's hard, but once past this area learn how great our Teacher and Creator is, how much we need it, we live with joy in abundance and so then we are ready to carry out the plan of God in our lives.
At the School of Life, God gives to each the right measure of each matter, be it the Faith, Temptation, the Dons, Disease, among others. Is that we dictate the pace of lessons, as our mistakes and successes, learning that the best place to be is at the center of God's will. In fact, God shows us the way of teaching and discipleship is not a process of conveying ideas, content, objective truths, but it is a process of life experiences, with our struggles, fears and victories. These are the things that make us great men and women, in order to be useful for the good work of God.
No large pupils of God, the world walk in darkness. Without the children of God shining, the world will rot in their sin, because we are the only light and salt of the earth. In fact, we have a great potential in this world, is to make the world better, transforming humanity, but that, after being processed. When we learn who we really are, the treasure that we have in our hands, we know God deeply and we assume that our role here on earth, will look for the rest of mankind wanting to make everyone like us, children of God and participating in this wonderful School of real Life. Then see how the move was important for what we in the School of Life, the School of the God, who has chosen you to be part of it.
So, when God look to the earth, we are the points of light. Nothing will please the Father more than skim the ground and find their students shining in the darkness. In fact, when he see the works of his children, he says, "Behold my beloved children, in whom I delight." Are you happy, God will be happy and its share of the world have been transformed.
Glauber Destro
PS.: If there is any wrong phrase written in English, please comment below. So, together, let the text better. Thanks.
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